
    Selection of spring maize varieties suitable for high-density planting, high-yield and grain mechanical harvesting in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China

    • 摘要: 机收籽粒可以显著提高玉米生产效率降低生产成本,但是目前京津冀地区适宜机收籽粒的玉米品种较少,品种筛选评价体系缺乏,阻碍了玉米籽粒机收的推广实行。针对这一问题,该研究开展了3 a春玉米品种和种植密度互作试验以及2 a玉米籽粒机收试验。根据宜机收籽粒品种要求、该地区气候和种植条件,设置宜机收性、高产稳产优质性和水分利用效率(Water Use Efficiency, WUE)高稳性3个一级评价指标。宜机收性下二级评价指标为籽粒破碎率、含杂率、总损失率和收获速率。籽粒破碎率和含杂率与籽粒含水率分别呈二次函数关系和指数关系,籽粒破碎率≤5%的籽粒含水率在3.6%~24.8%之间;当籽粒含水率≤26.99%时,含杂率≤3%的,因此将生理成熟后10 d的籽粒含水率≤25%作为籽粒破碎率和含杂率的三级评价指标。总损失率与籽粒含水率二次函数关系,与倒伏倒折率和穗位高标准差呈线性关系,因此将生理成熟后10 d的籽粒含水率(≤25%)、倒伏倒折率(≤5%)和穗位高标准差(≤5.93 cm)作为总损失率的三级评价指标。由于倒伏倒折率是影响收获速率的主要作物指标,因此将倒伏倒折率(≤5%)作为收获速率的三级评价指标。品种―种植密度互作试验的平均产量、WUE和穗粒腐病率分别为10 889.64 kg/hm2、2.28 kg/m3和1.75%,产量和WUE标准差平均值分别为1 776.79 kg/hm2和0.43 kg/m3,产量和WUE高稳系数平均值分别为0.53和0.46。通过相关性分析计算,种植密度增加15 000株/hm2条件下春玉米产量和WUE平均增加6.59%和11.89%,单株产量平均下降8.38%。据此得到高产稳产优质性和WUE高稳性下的二级评价指标及其判别标准。在确定各级评价指标及其判别标准的基础上,通过层次分析法和熵权法得到末级评价指标的组合权重,并将各评价指标的判别标准作为判别品种的指标值,避免单纯依靠排序确定品种优劣。通过综合性状评价筛选出豫丰98、豫单9953和金科玉3306为京津冀地区适宜籽粒机收的春玉米品种。分析发现该地区宜机收籽粒春玉米品种应具有籽粒脱水快、高产、稳产、增密增产、穗粒腐病率低、WUE高的特点。通过构建适宜的品种筛选体系,有利于玉米籽粒机收技术在京津冀地区推广,对其他地区密植高产宜机收籽粒玉米品种的筛选有一定的借鉴意义。


      Abstract: Abstract: Mechanical harvesting can significantly improve the technical efficiency, while reduce the production cost in maize farming. However, the evaluation system and maize variety are still lacking, particularly suitable for mechanical grain harvesting in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China. Variety selection of maize has also limited the implementation of mechanical grain harvesting in modern agriculture. In this study, a 3-year experiment on the variety/density of spring maize, and 2-year experiment on mechanical grain harvesting were carried out in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China. Three first-level evaluation indexes were set, including the suitability for mechanical grain harvesting, high-stable yield while high quality, and high Water Use Efficiency (WUE), according to the requirements of varieties, climate, and planting conditions in the mechanical grain harvesting for this region. The second-level evaluation indexes under the suitability for mechanical grain harvesting were the broken rate of kernel, impurity rate, and total loss rate. The relationship between the broken rate of kernel and impurity rate with the moisture content of kernel were in the parabolic and exponential form, respectively. The moisture contents of kernel were 3.6%~24.8% and ≤26.99%, when the broken rate of kernel ≤5% and impurity rate ≤3%. Therefore, the third-level evaluation indexes under the kernel broken rate and impurity rate was the moisture content of kernel at the 10th day after physiological maturity, where the criteria was ≤25%. The total loss rate represented the parabolic relationship with the moisture content of kernel, and the linear relationship with the lodging rate and standard deviation of ear height. Therefore, the third-level evaluation indexes under the total loss rate were the moisture content of kernel at the 10th day after physiological maturity(≤25%), lodging rate(≤5%), and standard deviation of ear height(≤5.93 cm). In 3-year experiment on the variety/density of spring maize, the average yield, WUE and ear rot rate were 10 889.64 kg/hm2, 2.28 kg/m3 and 1.75%, respectively. The average standard deviation of yield and WUE were 1 776.79 kg/hm2 and 0.43 kg/m3, respectively. The high and stable coefficient of yield and WUE were 0.53 and 0.46, respectively. According to the correlation analysis, the increasing ratio of yield and WUE with the density increasing by 15 000 plants/hm2 were 6.59% and 11.89%, whereas, the decreasing ratio of yield per plant with the density increasing by 15 000 plants/hm2 was 8.38. These values of yield, ear rot rate, and WUE can be used to set the second-level evaluation indexes under the high-stable yield while high quality, and high-stable WUE. The Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and entropy weight method were selected to calculate the comprehensive weights of each evaluation index. The discrimination criteria of evaluation index can be used as the index values of distinguish variety, to avoid relying solely on sequencing for the selection of maize varieties. In 2-year experiment on mechanical harvest, Yufeng 98, Yudan 9953, and Jinkeyu 3306 were selected as spring maize varieties, due to their fast grain dry down rate, high and stable yield, increasing yield with high density, low ear rot rate, and high WUE. The evaluation system of suitable variety can contribute to the promotion of mechanical maize harvesting in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, providing for a certain reference for the selection of high-yield maize varieties suitable for high-density planting, and mechanical harvesting in other areas.


